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Supported Outreach

High School Equivalency Program

The High School Equivalency (HSE) program holds its Auburn classes in the Auburn Presbyterian Church three times weekly; four hours per class. The class is through Impact Institute of Kendallville, Indiana and is designed to serve adults of the community ages sixteen and above. The class is monitored by Impact and the state of Indiana, meeting the requirements of the state to obtain a High School Equivalency Degree and to prepare those who desire to sharpen their skills to enter the workforce or advanced training. All instructors hold a current Indiana teaching license and are required to attend state mandated seminars and professional development training throughout the year.

Impact is proud of the success that has occurred in the classroom with many who achieved an HSE, entered job training such as healthcare professionals, welding, CAD, auto mechanics and marine technology. Many students have obtained job certification through Ivy Tech, a partner with Impact in students’ career and job training as well as job placement.


Al-Anon meets in the church’s Fellowship Hall every Wednesday at 7:30 to 8:30. This meeting is open to family and friends of alcoholics.

Narcotics Anonymous

The church serves as the home base to “One Hope Group” of N.A. which meets Wednesday and Friday night at 7p.m. in room 202. It is an open meeting which means that all are welcome.

Shelter Ministries

Shelter Ministries provides temporary housing for individuals and families.

Habitat for Humanity

This organization partners with selected families to build modest homes for them, using labor and materials underwritten by local supporters.

Youth for Christ

The Northeast Indiana Youth for Christ is centered in Auburn. The APC helps support their important work with teens.

Hospital Chaplaincy

A hospital chaplaincy program supports anxious patients and families who require in-patient services in area hospitals.

Angel Tree

Project Angel Tree is a Christmastime opportunity for church members to provide Christmas gifts for children who have a parent incarcerated during the holidays.

Church Family Assistance

The family assistance program helps fund short-term emergency financial aid to desperate families who cannot afford basic necessities.

St. Martin's Health Center

St. Martin’s Health Center provides free outpatient health care which would be inaccessible to under -and uninsured people in our area. The APC, along with others in the community, support this worthy center.